352 Yoruba Proverbs, Sayings And Translations - Yoruba Project - 140 - 149 #AdebanjiOsanyingbemi #JackLookman #oweYoruba #edeYoruba

 140. Bí ojú owó ẹni ò yóni, ènì ò lè yóni.

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If what one bought for one's money does not fill one, the little extra thrown into the bargain will not.

A person who cannot survive on his main occupation cannot survive on his sideline.

141. Òjò ọ̀gànjọ́ ò pa ẹni rere; bí kò pa jalè-jalè a pa yíde-yíde.

A midnight rain does not beat a decent person; if the person it beats is not a habitual thief he/she will be a habitual night wanderer.

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Honest people are seldom caught in compromising positions.

142. Ará Ìbàdàn kì í ságun; à ó rìn sẹ́hìn ni wọ́n ńwí.

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Ibadan people do not run from war; what they say is, “We will fall back a little.”

There are ways of avoiding battle without seeming to do so.

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143. Wèrè èèyàn ní ńru ẹrù wòran; ẹní ru ẹrù wòran ni wèrè èèyàn ńwò.

Only an imbecile carries a heavy load and stops to watch a spectacle; such a heavily-laden spectacle watcher is the sort of spectacle that attracts the attention of imbeciles.

Only a fool neglects pressing duties to dawdle.

144. Kí á ránni níṣẹ́ ò tó ká mọ̀ ọ́ jẹ́.

To be sent on an errand is nothing compared to knowing how to carry it out.

The good servant is the one who does performs his/her tasks well.

145. Ìjọba ńpè ọ́ o ní ò ḿmu gààrí lọ́wọ́; ta ní ni ọ́, ta ní ni omi tí o fi ḿmu gààrí?

The government summons you and you say you are busy eating cassava grains soaked in water; who owns you, and who owns the water with which you are eating the cassava?

When the law summons, one has no option but to heed the summon.

146. Bó pẹ́ bó yá, akọ̀pẹ yóò wálẹ̀.

No matter how long, the palmwine-tapper will dismount.

Be patient, be hopeful; always take the long view: absolutely nothing lasts forever.

147. Ẹní bá ja'lè lẹ́ẹ̀kan, tó bá daṣọ àrán bo orí, aṣọ olè ló dà bo'ra. 

Whoever steals, even just once, if covered with velvet, remains a thief, still.

Dishonesty permanently stains; looting, in whatever form or guise, is stealing and Looters Are Thieves.

148. Bí ilé ńjó, tí òjò ńrọ̀, ẹni ebi ńpa ò leè dákẹ́.

Even if the house is on fire and the rain is pouring, a hungry man cannot be quiet.

No one ignores a pressing or an existential issue; it's wise to expect those deeply affected by an issue to take steps to address it.

149. Ìkọkọ laàdaro àlè, ìtá gbangba lati sunkún ọkọ ẹni.

We mourn the demise of concubine secretly but weep over the loss of a spouse in the open. 

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Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings) 

Jack Lookman and the Team at Yoruba Project 


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