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352 Yoruba Proverbs, Sayings And Translations - Yoruba Project - 70 - 79 - #AdebanjiOsanyingbemi #JackLookman #oweYoruba #edeYoruba #ireo

  70. Ẹní bá pé kí àkàlà má jòkú, ojú-u rẹ̀ lẹyẹ ńkọ́kọ́ yọ jẹ. Purchase 352 Yoruba Proverbs Sayings And Translations - Yoruba Project - Whoever says the ground-hornbill should not eat carrion, he or she will be the first to lose his or her eyes to the bird. Whoever tries to prevent the inevitable will be trampled in the process of its occurring. Complete Yoruba Course For Beginners - 71. Ènìyàn kì í mọ iyì ohun tó ní, à fi tó bá sọ ọ́ nù. We seldom appreciate what we have, until we lose the thing. Take nothing desired for granted: we lose, sometimes permanently, whatever we take for granted; treasure whatever you wish to keep. 72. A kì í gbé ẹran erin lérí ká máa fẹsẹ̀ wa ihò ìrẹ̀. One does not carry elephant meat on one's head and dig cricket holes with one's big toe. Yoruba Project - Videos - 61 - 70 If one is blessed with plenty, one should not keep chasing after trifles. 73. Ojú ọba ayé ló fọ́; tọ̀rún l

352 Yoruba Proverbs, Sayings And Translations - Yoruba Project - 60 - 69 #AdebanjiOsanyingbemi #JackLookman #oweYoruba #edeYoruba #ireo

  60. Jẹ́ kí ńfìdí hẹẹ́, ni àlejò fi ńti onílé sóde.   Purchase 352 Yoruba Proverbs Sayings And Translations - Yoruba Project - Let me just hang in here, is how the guest takes over the house from the host. Think well about that inch you want to give, it may well become a mile: be perceptive, be circumspect. Complete Yoruba Course For Beginners - 61. Aṣọ à-fọ̀-fún ò jẹ́ ká mọ olówó. Clothes washed clean make identifying the rich person impossible. A poor person who looks to his or her appearance looks rich. 62. Ojú la fi ḿmọ àísí epo; ẹnu la fi ḿmọ àìsíyọ̀; ọbẹ̀ tí ò bá lépo nínú òkèèrè la ti ḿmọ̀ ọ́. Great Online International Money Transfer It is with the eyes that one tells the absence of palm-oil; it is with the mouth that one determines the absence of salt; if a stew lacks oil, it is the eyes that will tell. In some matters the evidence of the eyes is enough to tell one all one needs to know. Buy - Yoruba For Kids